Scientists Explore Cannabis Extracts as Potential Preventative COVID-19 Therapy
A recently published Preprints study found that the cannabinoids THC and CBD could help to down-regulate the production of proteins that are key in spreading the coronavirus among humans. A study published online in Preprints suggests that cannabis extractions containing THC and CBD could help prevent the coronavirus from spreading to and infecting humans. The study, which was conducted under a Health Canada research license, demonstrated that the cannabinoids could lower the...
Happy Accident Astronomers hoped to study a comet named ATLAS when it passed through our solar system, but in April it started to disintegrate. But reports that NASA and the European Space Agency may have an extremely fortuitous opportunity to analyze it all the same. That’s because Solar Orbiter, a spacecraft operated by the two agencies that studies our Sun, happens to be on the exact right course to pass through the...
The Art of Saying “No”
Feeling burned out, over-committed, or struggling to prioritize? Here's how to establish better boundaries one “no” at a time. If you’re like most people, chances are you’ve had a brush with burnout. Heck, you may even be burned out right now, what with all the at-home educating, Zoom call after Zoom call, and just trying to do your part to stay afloat during the course of the pandemic. Even in...
For some, the future is very clear
For some, the future is very clear. #mask #wearamask is here for you w a #mask #shirt #hoodie #coffeemug SHARE & REWARD URSELF W A GIFT #covidsafety #maga #freedom #areyoustupid #stupidpeople #unminced MEET OUR TRENDING COLLECTIONS SEE OUR NEWEST COLLECTIONS
De-evolution might be very real
De-evolution might be very real. #unminced #deevolution #evolution #life #science #stupid #trump #fucktrump PLEASE SHARE & VISIT - GET YOURSELF SOMETHING NEW MEET OUR TRENDING COLLECTIONS SEE OUR NEWEST COLLECTIONS