Aging app Beavis & Butthead
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A round of applause for @AshaRangappa_
A round of applause for @AshaRangappa_ wear your thoughts and our creations here: She didn’t mince her words. Unminced Words loves it. @Asharangappa_ #asharangappa #cnn #trump #foxnews #maga #news #usa #mitchmcconnell #politics #bbc #conservative #makeamericagreatagain #nbc #america #nicecomeback #burn #sickburn #democrats #comeback #republican #media #whitehouse #democrat #liberal #vote SEE MORE COLLECTIONS VISIT UNMINCEDWORDS.COM
My President is Crazy
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Ruth Ginsberg sets the example.
Ruth Ginsberg sets the example & inspired us to create this: #ruthginsberg #supremecourt #ruthbaderginsburg #america #maga #foster #rbg #supremecourtjustice #republican #fosterdog #supremecourtjustices #americans #liberal #empowering #women #womensrights MORE UNMINCEDWORDS PRODUCTS VISIT UNMINCEDWORDS.COM